Summer Food Plots Made Easy with the Firminator
The folks at Firminator have created the three-in-one planting machine that makes food plot creation and planting an efficient pleasure.
The versatile Firminator helps get summer plots set up in a hurry, letting the operator choose from a wide range of angle and pitch adjustments. For new sites receiving seeds for the first time and heavy with debris, the disk angles can be set aggressively along with a heavy forward tilt of the entire unit for deeper disk penetration. There is no need to disk the soil with other equipment first.
A big concern for summer plots is water retention. Many times a minimal till is just the ticket, leaving grasses and other vegetation to serve as mulch on the soil’s surface to help the soil stay moist.
A fast-growing crop such as cowpeas will sprout quickly, forming a canopy that keeps sunlight from getting to grasses and other undesirable weeds. Suppressing the growth of these undesirables.
The Firminator allows cowpeas along with other high-protein summer crops such as soybeans and lablab to be sown simultaneously. Simply set the size for the largest seed in the hopper, and the metering system dispenses the seed at the generally accepted rate. Stop forward movement, and the Firminator stops dropping seeds to eliminate waste.
One drawback with any summer planting is that the deer will start eating the new growth right away; they don’t wait for plants to mature. In areas with dense deer population, planting several acres will allow some of the crop to mature before it all becomes whitetail browse. Firminator build units that will fill the need of the small food plot builder as well as the guy that plants 10 acres at a time.
The disk blades of the Firminator food plot implement are heavy, 18-inch, notched 9-gauge steel. One beneficial feature is that the disk blades are spaced at six-inch spacing with custom-made iron disk spools. Competitors’ disks are spaced at the standard 7-1/2-inch distance. This translates into more disk blades across the width of The Firminator (12 on the 6-foot unit), which results in a more thorough cut into the soil, meaning fewer passes and great results in less time.
The Firminator is not advertised as a “one-pass-does-it-all” implement, but instead as three tools on one piece of equipment. The operator has the flexibility to perform tasks one at a time or simultaneously. Certain planting situations do allow you to disk, drop seed, and cultipack all at the same time when using The Firminator.
For more information on the Firminator food plot implement, the ideal piece of equipment for hunting food plots and deer management, check out