Mobile Scouting With onXmaps Hunt
Scouting is not a day-long, week-long, or even a month-long process; it’s a year-round practice for the most successful of hunters. To begin a new year of scouting, there is no better place than from your computer or mobile device. Getting a lay of the land prior to going afield can help you uncover hidden features to investigate once you are in the field. While there are several products on the market that allow mobile scouting, there is none better than onXmap Hunt. Like other mapping software on the market HUNT allows you to mark waypoints, measure distance, track routes, markup maps, and even take and upload a geotagged photo of your hunting location or trail-camera image. That being said, one of its most useful tools is its layer maps.
As hunters we are used to seeing topography, roads, and resources such as water on a map. However, with the HUNT product, you can enable/disable the layers of data–some that are real-time–that are important to you, which include the following.
- Private Landowner Names, Boundaries, and Tax Address
- Public Lands: Nationwide Federal and State (the most accurate and complete nationwide dataset ever created)
- Trail and Trailhead locations, names and numbers
- Geographic and Recreational Point of Interests
- Water Data such as rivers, creeks, and lakes with flow direction
- Weather and Radar
- Campgrounds and secluded Campsites
- National Forest Visitor Maps (save thousands $$$ on paper maps!)
- Motor Vehicle Roads and Trails (MVUM) displaying National Forest System (NFS) Routes (roads and trails) open to motorized travel
- Nationwide USFS Roads
- Nationwide USFS Trails and Wilderness
- USGS Gage Stations
- USGS Snotel (snowfall measurements)
- Wildfire Historic Perimeters
- Active Fires
- Possible Access Lands for each State (BMAs, Access Yes!, and more!)
- Other State-Specific Hunting Map Layers
As you begin your scouting process this summer, take advantage of the tools at your disposal. For more information on a HUNT membership, see below.
You can set waypoints of special areas to help find them later, or track the progress of your hunt, which gives you distance traveled and a trail of breadcrumbs to follow back to camp.
Try a free seven day HUNT Membership, or upgrade to a Premium Membership for $29.99/year for the state of your choice or an Elite Membership for $99.99/year or $14.99/month for all 50 states. Become a HUNT member and HUNT Smarter today.